

The CDMI service can be configured through the config/application.yml YAML configuration file.

If you have installed the service via packages this file can be found at /var/lib/cdmi-server/config/application.yml. This file provides a basic set of parameters for configuring the service. In detail the parameters that can be configured are as following.

Basic Configuration

The CDMI service comes with a built-in dummy_filesystem module as an example storage back-end. Other available storage back-ends can be found at the INDIO-DataCloud GitHub repository.

The REST API of the CDMI service is exposed via HTTP/HTTPS with the ports configurable as indicated below. You need to allow access to the ports you specify to make use of the REST API.

Configuration Parameters

  • spring: Basic Java Spring configurations

    • profiles: Configuration profile specification

      • active: Active configuration to use (e.g. filesystem)

  • server: Basic server configuration

    • port: The port the server should listen for incoming connections

  • rest: HTTP Basic authentication configuration for the REST API

    • user: The HTTP Basic authentication username

    • pass: The HTTP Basic authentication password

  • spring: Profile specific Java Spring configurations

    • profiles: filesystem

  • cdmi: CDMI specific configurations

    • data: File-system configuration for the data path

      • baseDirectory: Base directory where the CDMI objects can be found

      • objectIdPrefix: Prefix for dot meta-data files to be stored on the file-system

    • qos:The QoS path configurations

      • backend: Storage back-end configurations

        • type: Back-end type as exposed by the back-end module (e.g. dummy_filesystem)

Storage Back-End Modules

The CDMI-QoS server can be used with different storage back-end modules. It comes with a built-in dummy_filesystem module as an example storage back-end. Other available storage back-ends can be found at the INDIO-DataCloud GitHub repository.

Known available storage back-ends at this time are:

  • CDMI File-system for a default POSIX file-system (built-in and default, dummy_filesystem)

  • CDMI HPSS for a HPSS storage back-end (hpss_backend)

  • CDMI S3 for a S3 storage back-end (radosgw)

These modules follow the Java Service Provider Interface specification, for more details please have a look at the Developer guide sections.

To make use of a specific storage back-end for QoS, you have to specify the module's type string at the cdmi.qos.backend.type configuration parameter, e.g. hpss_backend.

Java Spring

The configuration can also be modified via Spring Boot application supported ways, see Spring Boot - External config for more details.

Last updated