Developer guide

Building from source

Get the source by cloning this repo and do a pip install.

As pip will have to copy files to /etc/cloud-info-provider-indigo directory, the installation user should be able to write to it, so it is recommended to create it before using pip.

sudo mkdir /etc/cloud-info-provider-indigo
sudo chgrp you_user /etc/cloud-info-provider-indigo
sudo chmod g+rwx /etc/cloud-info-provider-indigo
git clone
cd cloud-info-provider 
pip install .

Building package on Ubuntu

sudo apt install devscripts build-essential debhelper python-all python-all-dev python-pbr python-setuptools python-support
debuild --no-tgz-check binary

Building package on CentOS

sudo yum install rpm-build python-br
echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' > ~/.rpmmacros
mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
python sdist
cp dist/cloud_provider_indigo-*.tar.gz ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
rpmbuild -ba rpm/cloud-info-provider-indigo.spec

Contributing to the project

Push Requests are more than welcome, the standard GitHub flow will be used.

The main steps for getting code integrated are the following:

  • Fork the repository

  • Work on a feature (eventually in a dedicated feature branch)

  • Submit a PR (PR have to be made against the latest version of master)

  • PR will be tested, discussed, validated and merged

Last updated