Installing IdH


The recommended procedure is to build IdH from sources. But INDIGO-DataCloud also provides pre-build packages for Ubuntu >= 14.04 and Centos 7.

How to install the IdH service with packages is described in the following.


  • Java >= 8 runtime

  • OS: Ubuntu >= 14.04 or Centos 7


The package repository can be found at the INDIGO-DataCloud Software Repository.


You can either add INDIGO-DataCloud Software Repository to your package sources or download the .deb package manually.

INDIGO-DataCloud Repository

To enable the INDIGO-DataCloud Software Repository you can do the following.

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d


Install the GPG key for INDIGO-DataCloud Software Repository:

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Install the IdH package

sudo apt update

sudo apt install identity-harmonization

INDIGO-DataCloud Repository (manually)

You can use dpkg to install the IdH server as a service.

sudo dpkg -i identity-harmonization-0.0.1.deb

Running the Service

The IdH server will be installed as a init.d/systemd service and can be controlled via its init/systemd script. It will be enabled automatically and runs as a new user called idh.

sudo service identity-harmonization stop

sudo service identity-harmonization start

The Java executable jar is installed in /var/lib/identity-harmonization/

The configuration can be modified at /var/lib/identity-harmonization/config/application.yml or any other Spring Boot application supported way, see Spring Boot - External config.

For more details on the configuration please have a look at the Configuration section.


You can either add INDIGO-DataCloud Software Repository to your package sources or download the .rpm package manually.

INDIGO-DataCloud Repository

To enable the INDIGO-DataCloud Software Repository you can do the following.

cd /etc/yum.repos.d


Install the GPG key for INDIGO-DataCloud Software Repository:

rpm --import

Install the IdH package

sudo yum install identity-harmonization

INDIGO-DataCloud Repository (manually)

You can use rpm to install the IdH server as a service.

sudo rpm -i identity-harmonization-0.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm

Running the Service

The IdH server will be installed as a init.d/systemd service and can be controlled via its init/systemd script. It will be enabled automatically and runs as a new user called idh.

sudo systemctl stop identity-harmonization.service

sudo systemctl stop identity-harmonization.service

The Java executable jar is installed in /var/lib/identity-harmonization/

The configuration can be modified at /var/lib/identity-harmonization/config/application.yml or any other Spring Boot application supported way, see Spring Boot - External config.

For more details on the configuration please have a look at the Configuration section.

Last updated