Usage guide

Using the repository synchronization client

A command line client named indigo-reposync is provided for easy management of the synchronization process. The basic syntax is indigo-reposync <operation> <args> The available operations are:

  • start: Starts the REST server.

  • stops: Stops an already running server.

  • list: List the images in the backend IaaS platform

  • pull \ [tag]: Pull an image with an optional tag from DockerHub into the IaaS repository.

  • delete \: Delete an image from the IaaS repository

  • sync: Execute a synchronization operation pulling all images and tags found in the repository list specified in the REPOSYNC_REPO_LIST_FILE file

All operations will read the configuration files specified in the Configuration section

Additionally, a service named indigo-reposync as well, is installed which can start, stop and restart the synchronization server. Service management is dependent on the distributions and so far only Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS 7 are supported. To manage the service:

  • Ubuntu 14.04: service indigo-reposync [start, stop, restart]

  • CentOS 7: systemctl [start, stop, restart, status] indigo-reposync.service

Note on security

When the client must connect to the server using HTTPS, the server certificate should be added to the <jre>\lib\security\cacerts file as a trusted certificate. To do so, you can use the command keytool -import -alias <alias> -keystore <jre_dir>/lib/security/cacerts -file <certificate_file> where:

  • alias is a name for the certificate

  • jre_dir is the folder of the JRE which will execute the client

  • certificate_file is the certificate file of the REST server

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