Command Line Interface

Command Line Interface (CLI)

You need a working installation of the OpenStack client (that is, python-openstackclient) with a recent version of keystoneauth (at least 2.10.0).

Moreover, should to install the keystoneauth-oidc-authz-code plugin if you plan to use the OpenID Connect authorization code grant type. The package is available in the INDIGO repositories for the distribution of your choice.

When this package is installed it will provide you with a v3oidccode authentication plugin.

Manual installation of CLI

You can install the client and library from PyPI:

# pip install python-openstackclient
# pip install keystoneauth-oidc-authz-code


Using OpenID Connection Authorization Code grant type:

You have to specify the v3oidccode in the --os-auth-type option and provide a valid autorization endpoint with --os-authorization-endpoint or a valid discovery endpoint with --os-discovery-endpoint:

openstack --os-auth-url \
    --os-auth-type v3oidccode \
    --os-identity-provider <identity-provider> \
    --os-protocol <protocol> \
    --os-project-name <project> \
    --os-project-domain-id <project-domain> \
    --os-identity-api-version 3 \
    --os-client-id <OpenID Connect client ID> \
    --os-client-secret <OpenID Connect client secret> \
    --os-discovery-endpoint \
    --os-openid-scope "openid profile email" \
    token issue

Using the Access Token plugin

  • select: Manage Active Tokens

  • In access tokens you have the client - in this case "INCD-Openstack"

    and the access token

  • copy paste it into a file on the client machine or:

    export iam_at=<THE ACCESS TOKEN>

With this access token you can obtain an openstack token:

$ openstack --os-auth-type v3oidcaccesstoken --os-access-token $iam_at --os-auth-url --os-protocol oidc --os-identity-provider indigo-dc --os-identity-api-version 3 token issue

| Field   | Value              |
| expires | 2016-08-16 XXXX    |
| id      | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX    |
| user_id | NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN    |

Note that there are at the moment two Openstack sites registered with the IAM instance:



export kid=<keystone token id: XXXXX>

Last updated