Using FaSS

Edit initial shares and Time To Live (ttl)

After having installed FaSS following this guidelines, you need to set the initial shares and the ttl for every user.

$ cd /tmp/one-fass/etc

and edit the file shares.conf.

Check your OpenNebula users:

oneuser list

and the groups

onegroup list

By default, after the installation of Opennebula, you will have two administrative accounts, oneadmin (userID=0) and serveradmin (userID=1). And two groups, oneadmin (groupID=0) and users (groupID=1). The shares.conf file, therefore, contains the basic working setup for only the administrative accounts and an example of how to add a user called goofy


you need to change the users accordingly to your list.

Start FaSS

To start FaSS, simply type

systemctl start fass

Using FaSS

Starting from FaSS v1.1, the scheduler implements a simple version of the SLURM MultiFactor algorithm, setting the parameter plugin_debug to 1 in the FaSS configuration file. In order to implement your own fair-share algorithm, edit the BasicPlugin class, in /tmp/one-fass/src/pm. A dummy algorithm, which inverts the priorities recevied from OpenNebula, is also available setting plugin_debug to 0.

Set Virtual Machines to be dynamic

By default the VMs are defined as static, i.e. they will not be terminated. To have them terminated after they have exceeded their time to live ttl or maximum waiting time max_wait, both set in the FaSS configuration file /one-fass/etc/fassd.conf, you need to add a raw attribute to the onevm instantiate command:

$ onetemplate instantiate <yourtemplateid> --raw static_vm=0

The defalt value for static_vm is 1, i.e. the VM is static.

Set action to be performed by Terminator

By default the VMs are terminated after the TTL set in the shares configuration file /one-fass/etc/shares.conf. Other actions are possible, changing the action=kill in fassd.conf to be:


All these actions are performed for VMs in running status.

Last updated