Important notes

  • Currently the highest supported version of Firefox is 46.0.x - v47 is not supported due to incompatibility

    with build-in selenium Firefox driver

GUI acceptance/BDD tests

GUI acceptance/BDD test can be run in few ways: 1. Using ./ (from onedata repo root dir) - to start headless tests inside Docker on existing Onedata installation or start new Onedata environment - mainly for Continuous Integration. 2. Using py.test - to start non-headless tests on local machine - mainly for use Behaviour Driven Development or debugging. It also can be used to create screencasts.

If in doubt, simply use: make test_gui :)

  1. Headless tests in Docker (CI)

Headless with automatic environment set up

Using this method, the Onedata environment will be set up automatically with OZ and OP (for details see environments dir with configurations). Setting up environment can take some time.

Example: (invoke from onedata repo root dir)

./ -t tests/gui -i onedata/gui_builder:latest --test-type gui --driver=Firefox --self-contained-html

Used parameters:

  • -t tests/gui - standard ./ parameter to set the test cases path to gui tests

  • -i onedata/gui_builder:latest - use Docker image with dependencied for GUI tests (i.a. Xvfb, Selenium, Firefox, Chrome)

  • --test-type gui - set the test type use by core Onedata test helpers to differ from "cucumber" tests etc.

  • --driver=<Firefox|Chrome> - set the browser to test in (will be launched in headless mode)

  • --self-contained-html - optional, if used generated report will be contained in 1 html file

Headless using existing Onedata installation

Using this method, the tests will be run using URL provided with --base-url=<url> parameter. The URL should be a main application address of Onezone.

Example: (invoke from onedata repo root dir)

./ -t tests/gui -i onedata/gui_builder:latest --test-type gui --driver=Firefox --copy-etc-hosts --base-url= --self-contained-html

New parameters:

  • --copy-etc-hosts - optional, use if want to copy local contents of /etc/hosts file to docker, because some domains are defined locally

  • Non-headless using local machine (BDD)

These tests will be run using py.test runner on local machine. Required Python packages to install (e.g. using pip install):

  • pytest

  • pytest_bdd

  • git+git://

  • pytest_xvfb

  • pyperclip

A browser selected for tests (with --driver) should be also installed.

Note, that --no-xvfb option is used to force to not use Xvfb even if it is installed in local system.

Non-headless using existing Onedata installation

Example: (invoke from onedata repo root dir)

py.test --test-type=gui tests/gui --driver=Firefox --no-xvfb --base-url= --self-contained-html

Test reports

The test report in HTML format with embedded screenshots of browser in failed test will be saved to: <onedata_repo_root>/tests/gui/logs/report.<time_stamp>/report.html

Taking screenshots

For some purposes, taking screenshots can be required in time of test run.

In steps of scenarios simply use:


where driver is instance of Selenium WebDriver


Please read these section before you start writing or modifying GUI tests.

Fixtures and pytest plugins overrides

  • The default configuration of pytest-selenium-multi for sensitive URLs is inverted: all tests are considered non-destructive by default. You can add a @pytest.mark.destructive mark to test scenario to mark test as destructive.

  • The sensitive_url fixture has module scope, because we start new environment for each module (so it could have different base_url's)

Last updated