Manual integration with cdmi server


To manually integrate the cdmi-s3-qos module with already installed cdmi-qos server the following general steps have to be done:

  • Clone from guthub and build cdmi-s3-qos module.

  • Copy the built jar with cdmi-s3-qos module to the path where cdmi-qos server looks for modules.

  • copy example, module’s configuration files to the destination, production stage path.

  • Adjust module’s configuration files to your needs.

  • Edit main cdmi-qos configuration file to tell the server to use cdmi-s3-qos module.


The bellow procedure will work on Linux based OS with pre-installed cdmi-qos server and java development tools.

  1. Clone and build cdmi-s3-qos module:

git clone
cd cdmi-s3-qos
mvn package
  1. Copy the jar file built in previous step, to the path where cdmi-qos server looks for modules:

cp target/cdmi-s3-qos-*.jar /usr/lib/cdmi-server/plugins
  1. Copy example configuration files to destination location

mkdir /etc/cdmi-server/plugins/cdmi-s3-qos/*
cp config/fixed-mode/* /etc/cdmi-server/plugins/cdmi-s3-qos/
cp test/ /etc/cdmi-server/plugins/cdmi-s3-qos/
  1. Adjust configuration files to reflect your environment.

  2. Tell cdmi-qos server to use cdmi-s3-qos module, that is make sure that file /var/lib/cdmi-server/config/application.yml contains this entry (see:

            type: radosgw

Last updated