Running from docker image

By definition, the cdmi-s3-qos is not meant to be executed on its own. It doesn't constitute a standalone product, it has to be used by cdmi-qos server.

However, to facilitate quick path module testing, the source codes come with Docker and docker-compose configuration files which can be used to launch pre-configured testing environment. The testing environment consists of two Docker containers. One container provides cdmi-qos server which is pre-configured to use cdmi-s3-qos module. Second container runs minio server which provides S3 compatible API meant to mimic presence of RADOS gateway.

NOTE: By default, container with cdmi-qos server will try to listen on TCP port number 8080. If on your machine this port is not eligible then before you will follow the below procedure please set and export INDIGO_CDMI_PORT environment variable to value indicating the TCP port number to be exposed by container which hosts cdmi-qos server.

For example, to use TCP port number 8888 the INDIGO_CDMI_PORT environment variable should be set and exported like this:

export INDIGO_CDMI_PORT=8888

To build and run the docker based testing environment follow this commands:

git clone
cd cdmi-s3-qos
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-integration.yml up -d

To begin interaction with such launched environment you can use curl command and Basic Auth auhentication method (user and password are just “restadmin”). For example to list supported data-object’s QoS profiles type:

curl -s -X GET http://restadmin:restadmin@localhost:${INDIGO_CDMI_PORT:-8080}/cdmi_capabilities/dataobject -H "Content-Type: application/cdmi-capability"

To clean-up the testing environment (remove containers and images) run command:

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-integration.yml down --rmi all

Last updated